KIDabra conference, which began in 1992, has grown to become the must destination world wide for serious KIDshow and Family performers. Our unique focus on the study of performance exists nowhere else. Like examining a diamond with it's many facets, KIDabra Conference each year takes a close look, for example at: routines, character, show construction, stage craft, creativity showmanship, direction, in other words Show Business in its every aspect. Mix in the incredible dealer resources, the networking, the fun, and lifelong friendships that have developed over the years and KIDabra Conference is a treasure chest eagerly awaited to be discovered, opened and explored!
KIDabra Conference Schedule
August 13-16, 2025
The Lectures, The Stars, The Shows,
The What, The When.
A KIDabra Invitation
You're Invited to Join Us!
Did you know that throughout the world there are thousands of people just like you who perform for children and families at birthday parties, schools, preschools, festivals, fairs, libraries, picnics, restaurants and more? It's true!
Even better they're like- minded folks who have many of the same successes, concerns and needs just like you. They can be found locally, nationally and globally. At KIDabra International we are a group and a family of those very people, we'd like to invite you to be a part of this amazing family too!
One of our conference staff had tears streaming down his face, in joy, the first time he attended KIDabra Conference. He said it was the first time he had found acceptance as a children's performer and he was blown away. It's what we do here.
It's time you did this for yourself! Your work with young audiences is important, needed and rewarding. KIDabra International exists to help you with this serious calling. Plus we have a heck of a good time on the journey.
A Place for You!
A Group For You!